Find your New Beginning at FCB
We believe in second chances. That’s why FCB’s New Beginning products give customers who wouldn’t normally qualify for an account the chance to establish, or reestablish, a banking relationship. Find out more below and then stop by one of our convenient locations. A New Beginning could be your first step down the path to financial success.
New Beginning Checking |
New Beginning Savings |
This checking account is about a fresh start. Account Details
Monthly Service Charge • $5.00 with direct deposit & e-statements |
Good savings habits are a step toward financial success. Account Details
Monthly Service Charge
Available Account Services |
Need to build credit? Check out our Credit Builder Loan!
Moving Forward Financially
If checking account has no overdraft/NSFs for 12 consecutive months and if savings account has one monthly deposit, you could qualify for any FCB Banks Checking or Savings account.
If any account is closed within seven months, a $15 closing fee will be assessed.
1 Checks and ACH debits will not be paid without sufficient funds in the account. Items will be returned and standard NSF and Continued Negative Balance fees will apply.
2 Length of hold subject to FCB’s discretion
3 All other debits and withdrawals are limited to six per month, all of which may be payments to third parties. Excess withdrawals and/or payments are $3.00 each.
4 Must use New Beginning Money Order Purchase Slip for discount.
5 If account falls below the minimum daily balance there is a $1.00 fee for each non-FCB ATM withdrawal in addition to a monthly service charge.